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Fantasies Won't Build a Successful Business

Tell me if this sounds familiar: you have a phenomenal business idea, built a kickass website, then sent out an email to everyone you know, and posted on social media to announce your launch — but shockingly, your sales are dismal. It’s not shocking. “If you build it, they will come” is a fantasy as unrealistic as ball players coming back from the dead to play one more game. It only happens in the movies.

While you’re sitting around waiting for customers to magically find your ‘field of dreams’, you are losing out on sales, and your ideal customers are missing out on your awesome offering, which sucks for everyone. The belief that once you launch your business, all you need to do is post on social media and miraculously, customers will bang down your door with their credit card in hand, ready to buy, is a trope many business owners have fallen for. If it happened to you, don’t be embarrassed. But seriously, do better.

If you want a booming business that will bankroll your dreams, in the words of Britney Spears, “You better work, bitch.” Building a thriving business requires ongoing marketing and promotion, and sorry, but a ‘Hey friends, check it out!” post on social media won’t cut it. If you want to make the big bucks, your business needs a marketing and promotion plan. Key word, PLAN! The only ‘winging it’ you should do in business is at your local pub’s all-you-can-eat wing night.

Why do you think 20% of businesses fail in the first year? For starters, it’s probably because 86% of business owners prefer to spend their time working on anything other than marketing. The fact that 50% of small businesses (like yours?) don’t have a marketing plan, is most likely the reason 50% of new businesses fail within 5 years; it’s basic math.

Presuming you’ve got a fantastic product or service to sell, succeeding in business takes planning, hard work, consistency, persistence, and let’s be honest, a tiny bit of luck. Once you’ve got a solid Marketing & Promotion plan (which ups your ‘luck’), you need the know-how to get it done, or better yet, a brilliant team to do it for you, the stick-to-itiveness to keep going, especially when you don’t want to, and the ability to quickly pivot, as is needed in today’s ever-changing world.

When done right, marketing builds relationships between your brand and customers. You need to connect to make sales: potential buyers must know you, like you, and trust you enough to open their wallets and pay you. Additionally, you need insider connections to get free promotion in top-tier magazines, on television shows, and get listed as the ‘must have’ on the most popular websites with millions of readers/ potential buyers — Media Mason has these connections.

If all of this sounds overwhelming to you, you need help. Hire marketing experts Media Maison, and we’ll handle everything from crafting your marketing plan and building your social media presence, to opening doors that are currently being slammed in your face. We will get your brand in front of the influencers and gatekeepers who will promote your product and help your sales skyrocket.

If, like us, you value a no BS style, and want an A + team of experts that doesn’t quit until the job is done right (which for us means better than most) then we could be a perfect match. Contact us today, to schedule a consultation and see if your brand, or business is a good fit for our marketing and promo services.

We’d love to help you become the next big thing!

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